Monday, September 8, 2008

Vol 8 - The Humanist System

What is the Fundamental Nature of Humanity?”

This is a question which every single human being on the face of the planet must ask themselves to understand their conduct and behavior towards the fellow members of their species.

The way we treat each other, is a direct reflection of how we view the human species.

That is the question every SocioEconomic system has its own answer to, and lies at the very core of its philosophical approach to the organization of humanity.

The question every single human being must ask of the SocioEconomic system they participate in is this :

How does this system view Humanity?”

Answering this question enables one to understand how the world around them has come into being.

Humanity is the most powerful species on the face of the planet.

We are capable of both awesome creation and destruction.

With Great Power,

comes Great Responsibility.”

Now, more than at any other time in our history, we need to mature and mature quickly.

Our Humanity must reach the same state of evolutionary development as our artifice (our technology), lest we become so engrossed in the work of our hands, we lose ourselves in it, and seek to gratify it to the exclusion of the needs of our fellow animal species, our environment and each other.

Besides, separation is ultimately an illusion anyways. When you think about it, absolutely everything is inextricably connected and the division of where one thing ends and another begins is an artificial contrivance not a universal truth.

A Simple Fact To Give Anyone Pause

Plainly stated :

There are plenty of resources for everyone.”

There is plenty of water. Plenty of food. Plenty of space. Why then do so many not have enough?

It is because Humanity is struggling with not a question of production, but a question of distribution and the desire to distribute resources is part of a sense of connectedness and love for Humanity.


The central focus of Capitalism is made evident in its name : capital, that is material wealth in the form of money or resources.

As a philosophical system for Humanity to adhere to, it leaves the species wanting.

The Capitalist system has a very misanthropic view of humanity.

Capitalism views Humanity as a self-centered, egotistical, hedonistic species where the means of Human motivation is depriving Human Beings of resources and making their acquirement the central human goal.

Capitalism is a highly individualistic system, placing the considerations of the individual above those of the species.

Humanism, by contrast, places both in equal balance.

Capitalism, further, is a very short-sighted system, holding that the accumulation of Capital, of consumption (Consumerism or Materialism anyone?), is the main objective of human existence.

Heedless Consumption, or, Locust Behavior, is naturally, not sustainable.

Our tattered and torn Environment is ample evidence of this.

The Capitalist system turns Human Beings into mercenaries, wholly selfish and out to serve the highest bidder.

To say Capitalism is dehumanizing is to be overly generous : Capitalism destroys the human spirit.

A predominant example of Capitalism's dehumanizing tendency is the acquirement of possessions, of Inanimate Objects, being a substitute for Human Contact, for the sad reason that Inanimate Objects, don't hurt a person's feelings.

Finally, Capitalism does not satisfy genuine human needs.

External stimulation and acquirement of survival mechanisms is only a small proportion of the human experience.

What Human Beings truly seek through the accumulation of Capital (money to travel, toys to share) is the opportunities it provides to form new and unique connections with other Human Beings and the Environment.

Again, it is a vital that a new SocioEconomic system take into account the undeniable, fundamental, wholly essential importance of Human Feelings in Human Behavior.


The central focus of Socialism is : Society, that is the entirety of individuals which comprise a collective Human unit.

The fundamental tenet of Socialism can be summed up in the old maxim :

Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People.”

Socialism places individual needs as secondary to the greater good of the society as a whole.

Socialism is quite a noble system, emphasizing the health and well-being of the human species.

Social programs for the support and improvement of society are main aspects of the Socialist philosophy.

The difficulty with Socialism is that with the Individual placed on the second burner, human beings become lethargic and apathetic, because Human Beings do not perceive themselves as being part of a whole first, and individuals second, they perceive themselves as being both : simultaneously.

A poor homeless person in Vancouver summed up the human reaction to Socialism succinctly,

We don't need a Hand Out.

What we need is a Hand Up.”

Human beings do not need the pity of a welfare system.

They need the support and encouragement and confidence and love of their fellow human beings that they are capable of doing absolutely anything they can envision.

When Human Beings feel strong themselves, they feel capable of making others strong.”


The central focus of Humanism is : The Human Being, as both individual and part of the Human Species.

Both separate and whole.

Both distinct and sharing commonality.

The Human creature existing in two states simultaneously.

The Humanist System is no more right than any other system.

It is merely an expression of its view of the fundamental nature of humanity.

All any system tries to do is cultivate the human species as best it can, based on its fundamental view.

And this is how The Humanist System views Humanity :

"Human Beings are fundamentally Emotional Creatures."

"Human Beings are fundamentally generous, noble, kind creatures."

"Human Beings are most naturally fulfilled when they are behaving in a generous, noble and kind fashion."

"When Human Emotions are not in balance, are in a chaotic state, human behavior is perverted, and all the negative actions so lamented by our species come into play : hatred, violence, jealousy..."

"The path for Humanity to follow, to enjoy an existence of peace and joy and adventure, is to always be mindful of Human Emotions and to nurture and cultivate them as one would a garden."

"The Humanist system believes that everything is separated and connected at the same time. Separation and Connection are two parts of the same coin. Separate and yet Intimately Interconnected simultaneously."

The Central Idea Of

The Humanist System

There is no money. Everything is free. Although the word “free” does not accurately convey the concept as it is envisioned by The Humanist System.

Everyone is free to take what they want and as much as they want, only, a funny thing happens, people only take as much as they feel they need.

Why? Because in The Humanist System everyone understands that taking more resources than what one needs for one's own health and well-being, takes resources away from their fellow human beings and from humanity's fellow plant and animal species.

Doing so ultimately hurts oneself, because human beings are absolutely dependent on one another and their environment for their survival, and, ultimately, for their happiness.

Perhaps, most importantly, taking more than what one needs and knowing that doing so is causing distress and pain to other human beings and to animal and plant life : hurts inside. It doesn't feel right.

Thus, in The Humanist System, people are free to take and use as much resources as they want, but, everyone does not think of resources as “free”, because everyone fundamentally understands that their own personal survival and happiness is inextricably linked with the survival and happiness of their fellow human beings and plant and animal species.

And, ultimately, and perhaps, most importantly, living in harmony with others and the environment : feels right.

Healthy, Happy, Fulfilled

Human Beings :

Are Peaceful Human Beings.”

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