Friday, December 12, 2008

Vol 12 - The Revolution of Feeling

Our Society Does Need A Revolution.

A Revolution Of Feeling.”

A Revolution of Allowing Ourselves to Feel.
A Revolution of Allowing Others to Feel.
A Revolution of Allowing Ourselves and Others To Take As Long As They Need To Feel.
A Revolution of Expressing Our Feelings No Matter What They Are.
A Revolution of Understanding That A Person's Feelings Are The Most Important Thing.
We are all very hard on one another.
Saying what we truly feel is silently taboo.
We all feel forced to wear masks to survive.
Such living is taking its toll on all of us.
The release is simple :
Talk about our feelings, freely and openly.
Then we will be true to each other.
Then we can live in peace with each other.
A revolution of our hearts.

Tears :

Shedding The Water of Life

Tears are a form of communication and an incomparably powerful one.

Why do so many adults tell their children not to cry? Because they know that the sight of tears will soften their heart and weaken their ironclad discipline.

Tears communicate more eloquently and simply pain than words ever can.

Our society places an unsaid taboo on shedding tears because it has been seen as a sign of weakness for time immemorial.

Men who cried were called Women and seen as emasculated and weak.

Women who cried for more than a few moments were considered weak as well and setting a bad example for children.

For a poor species who has since the dawn of its inception, felt that it was in an never ending struggle for survival with its very environment, weakness was something which would reduce the chance for survival and had to be suppressed at all costs.

But tears are a natural, physiological aspect of a Human Being. As much a part of being Human, as breathing, or eating, or sleeping. A Human Being can suppress any biological function, but doing so will always and without fail cause damage to the Human system. The suppression of tears is no different.

When a person is in pain, nothing communicates more eloquently or directly this state to a fellow human being than tears.

Tears need to be encouraged to let flow. Pressure needs to be encouraged to be released. Otherwise it bloats and disfigures a person and makes it near impossible for them to enjoy life.

World War III :

The War for The Freedom To Express Feelings

All human problems can be traced back to someone's hurt feelings.”

I believe, and, I feel, that all wars have their roots in people's hurt feelings.

This is plain in wars fought over family pride, yet is still the root cause in wars fought over seemingly natural causes like resources.

How? If everyone shared resources equally with one another, there would be no need to fight over them. Why do people not share their resources equally with one another? Because of hurt feelings. Because of unexpressed resentments and unresolved grudges.

The nature of pressure is that it must be released.”

If feelings are not expressed in the natural, healthy way for Human Beings, that is talking freely, crying, screaming, then feelings will express themselves in sublimated (and assuredly more violent) ways.

I do not want to experience a World War. I do not want there to be any more war in the world at all. I do not think and I do not feel war is necessary anymore. I do not believe it ever was. I believe we have just been suppressing our feelings for so long that it has become almost habit to us, we've forgotten why we do it, and war is the faucet, the plug, the magnet, the most familiar tool we have to express our pent up frustrations, the ones we are not permitted to express in ways natural to us.

If we continue to repress our feelings the way we do, the way we raise our children to, then we are going to push ourselves into another war.

Parents who do not heal a violent world, condemn their children to fighting in one.”

I am very sorry for the harshness of the above quote. I put it here because, I simply cannot avoid the raw, painful truthfulness of it.

It would be important that we, as a species, would know why we were engaged in another World War :and the reason would be because we did not permit ourselves or others to freely and fully express our feelings.

"And when the bodies of the dead are piled so high they block out the sun, the survivors will look at each other, look inside themselves, and then ask, 'Why did it come to this...' And the answer will be : because we didn't allow ourselves to express our feelings and the pressure built up until it exploded in the wave of death which engulfed the planet."

The solution is always, simply : express our feelings, freely and truly.

Human : The Thinking / Feeling Creature

Human Beings Are The Most Deeply Feeling and Thinking Creatures On The Planet.”

Without a doubt, we Human Beings are the most intelligent creatures on the planet. All one need do is marvel at the many “works of our hands” to recognize this.

I believe we Human Beings are also the most deeply feeling creatures on the planet.

I believe this is also made evident in the many marvelous “works of our hands”. How so? Because, I believe, the creative energy behind the incredible projects we realize stems from an insatiable need for love and attention from our fellow Human Beings.

The awesome scale of our intellectual feats is directly proportional to the tremendous potency of our feelings, more potent than that of any animal on the planet.

Human Beings Are The Only Animal On The Planet Which Continues To Mourn For The Passing Of Loved Ones For A Lifetime.”

Once upon a time, there was a species called Human.

Human Beings were the most deeply feeling creature on the planet.

Human Beings came into the world sensitive and gentle.

If you want to know the true nature of human beings, just look at children, how easily affectionate and innocent they are. That is how human beings truly are before the callouses of adulthood cover a person up.”

Human Beings are the most sensitive creatures on the planet, but, life has been hard on human beings.

Human Beings are naturally, generous and loving creatures, but the environment was always harsh.

Cold would bite our flesh.

Predators would hunt us.

Earthquakes would swallow us.

It seemed as if Nature was always trying to destroy us and end our fragile existence.

Naturally this caused us to harden our hearts. The naturally gentle, loving temperament that was our truest selves, was hardened and tempered by all the abuse and pain, the natural world forced upon us.

We taught ourselves to suppress our feelings.

To be feeling too deeply was to be vulnerable to the innumerable ways Nature would try to hurt us.

Suppressing feelings became a matter of survival.

To feel was to be vulnerable.

Yet, such is not the genuine reality

The solution to humanity woes was not to fight with nature but to come to understand nature, to come to understand nature's truth.

When human beings would come to understand the patterns of nature's behavior, to teach that knowledge to their children, to understand the truth of nature's patterns, that is when humanity could live in harmony with nature's behavior and to understand that nature had no intention of hurting humanity, of destroying the human spirit, nature acted in accord with its nature, with its truest essence. For humanity to coexist with that essence, simply required humanity to understand the patterns that nature follows

The Need To Feel Special

"It is only through the eyes of others that our little lives have any significance. When no one will acknowledge you or even look at you, it is as though you do not exist."

The Need To Feel Welcome

Human Beings have a need to feel welcome, a need to know that they are accepted in the presence of their fellow Human Beings.

Without it, a person is always afraid that they will be exiled and ostracized, their survival put in jeopardy because they were not accepted by the group.

A world where people are welcomed is a world where people are peaceful.

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