“Pain is indivisible from the Human Experience.”
The predominant perception of pain throughout human history was that it was an experience to be avoided.
This is perfectly understandable considering that pain is an organism's method of communicating to itself that it is sustaining damage in some form.
Animals immediately engage the “fight or flight” response when they experience pain.
Human beings however are unique among all the species on the planet Earth.
We are unique, because we have the capacity to : suppress pain.
I believe it was Dr. Arthur Janov who introduced me to the idea that the formation of the NeoCortex in the Human Brain developed in order to permit the Human Animal to suppress pain.
Put another way : the NeoCortex was born of the need to suppress pain.
Allegorically, vertebrate animals on Earth can be divided into featuring 3 predominant, distinct brain layers :
1. The Reptilian Brain : The direct extension of the the spinal cord. The only layer of brain matter which reptiles possess.
2.The Mammalian Brain : A layer of brain matter in addition to the Reptilian Brain. Allegorically, this addition of brain matter is what makes Mammals social creatures and capable of emotions.
3.The NeoCortex : The 3rd layer of brain matter, allegorically unique to human beings. Enables humanity to engage in its intellectual prowess, and, to suppress pain to a degree unknown by other species on the planet.
Perhaps Humanity's incredible intellectual capabilities is directly correlated with its ability to suppress pain.
The need to control pain in some fashion is certainly found in all aspects of human expression.
Perhaps it can be said that the Human Ability to delay, suppress, and muffle pain is what creates the interlude of introspective freedom necessary for the manifestation of the uniquely Human forms of expression : science and art.
Contemplation aside, one thing is certain : the human experience is the experience of pain.
From Birth until Death, the Human Experience is full of pain.
But, perhaps, it is the “perception” of pain, which Humanity needs to reconsider.
Pain for Human Beings is a somewhat different experience than that of our Animal Brethren.
As has been discussed, pain for Human Beings is a catalyst for Human Creativity and Ingenuity.
It can be perceived as a stepping stone, a booster, a catapult.
Seen in this way, pain becomes, not a thing to be feared and avoided, but a formidable and potent, yet at the same time intrinsic and inalienable, source of fuel, of : energy.
Perhaps then Humanity has arrived at the point in its evolution where it is ready to perceive Pain as not only an essential part of life, but, one not to be merely endured and desperately desired to be rid of, but as a powerful catalyst for extraordinary leaps in Human ability.
Seen this way, perhaps painful experiences are not something to be shied away from, but, instead, something to be sought.
Seeking Experiences Despite Pain
The purpose of this short essay is to encourage and explain, to others (and to myself), the reason why the potential for pain in an experience need not deter one from pursuing it, and, demonstrate, in fact, it IS a reason to pursue it.
Pain is a Wound
First though, let it be clearly stated that experiencing pain is akin to receiving a wound.
Pain causes great physical and emotional distress.
A fire in a forest does stimulate rebirth, but, it can also destroy the forest.
The time it takes to recover from pain (or a wound) can be long and arduous.
So then why seek out an experience if it will likely cause one pain?
Knowledge, Experience and Feelings
The desire to grow, the need to be more than what one was. Such is the motivation for seeking out new experiences. Seeking out those experiences in spite of the possibility of pain is capacitated by knowledge, further cemented with the certainty of the genuine experience.
Why Do We Subject Ourselves To Pain?
"Why do I put myself through this?"
"What do I hope to gain?"
Even if it's not a conscious, aware thing, we have an instinctive understanding, an almost, 6th sense certainty, that experiencing pain will cause us to grow.
So, even when an experience appears certain to cause pain, know with equal certainty that the act of doing it will plant a seed of possibility within you.
Even though the experience may be terrifying and monstrous in its apparent brutality,
know that it has sown a seed of energy within you which will, beyond the shadow of a doubt, sprout
and blossom into a strength and awareness you had heretofore not even considered.
Recovery Time
The Secret, The Epiphany of this essay is what follows :
Pain is indeed a wound, but, it's recovery and certain amplification of one's self, can be awesomely increased by being aware of this :
the reason why you subjected yourself to a painful experience was because you knew it would enhance you.
When you engage in a painful experience you are very literally splitting yourself in two : one part of you which wishes to flee, the other which seeks growth.
You are split in two, but, are still, in truth, one person, and healing requires you be whole.
You integrate your two selves when the you which seeks growth, explains to the you in pain, the experience you forced upon yourself will make you grow, and, the quicker you heal, the quicker you will be able to experience your new level of strength and awareness.
Thus integrating your two disparate halves, you heal far, far more rapidly.
The purpose of this essay was to demonstrate that even when an experience does indeed cause pain, it is not a cause for being paralyzed and frozen with despair and despondency, but rather an opportunity to channel the pain into great strength and energy.
“Failure is Opportunity in Disguise.”
The Immediacy of Pain
Removed. Distant. Hardly felt.
That it what current life feels like.
Pain brings an Immediacy and a Rawness to life which makes one reconnect with the Human Experience.
To conclude : there are 2 Great Changers of Human Behavior, 2 Great Levers which move Humanity, they are : pain and love.
Pain is indivisible from the Human Experience, and Pain is powerful, but, it is not the only way...
The way we choose, the way Humanity chooses, rests with us.
But, as Mike and Sulley discover :
laughter produces ten times more power than screams.
"Never a lip is curved with pain That can't be kissed into smiles again."
- Bret Harte (American Poet)
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