Monday, September 8, 2008

Vol 9 - Facets of The Humanist System : Examples of Humanist Ideology

What makes The Humanist System absolutely unique in the history of Humanity's development of SocioEconomic systems is it places absolute importance on Human Emotions.

The central tenet of The Humanist System is :

Human beings are indivisible from Human Emotions.”

With this truth in mind (and in heart), all Human behavior and actions are considered with Human Emotions at the forefront of their conduct.

All decisions and ideas manifested in The Humanist System are conducted with the understanding that,

How a person feels, is the most important thing.” and

Human Emotions are the fuel for Human Actions.”

The next evolutionary step for the Human Species is integration with Human Emotions.

What makes Humanity a unique species on the planet is Human Beings are the most Intelligent and the most powerfully Feeling.

The Humanist System though understands that Human Beings are possessed of the most evolved brain on the planet and as such can best be described as : "Feeling. Thinking Creatures."

Human Beings can no more stop Thinking then they can stop Feeling.

When either one of these integral parts of human nature is stifled, perversions of human behavior occur.

Education in The Humanist System

"For in the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum

Education in The Humanist System is conducted with the understanding that every single human being on the face of the planet has an indisputable impact on the course of Humanity and the entire planet's evolution.

With this central tenet in mind, that every single human being receives exceptional education is : a must.

The Humanist Approach To Addressing Problems

All Human Problems can be traced back to a Person's Hurt Feelings.”

With this universal truth in mind, the Humanist approach to solving all Human problems is 2 fold :

1.Refer to the Human Hierarchy of Needs (water, food, shelter, purpose) and identify which Human Need is not being fulfilled.

2.Engage in The Implacable Chain of Why to ascertain why a need is not being fulfilled. The Implacable Chain of Why is the act of simply asking the question “why” until an answer is not evident with this point being the one which needs to be addressed.

Without doubt, the lynch pin impeding somethings successful execution is injured human feelings.

The resolution is thus, expressing those injured feelings through tears, and once the emotional pressure is removed, and reason is unhindered, engage in calm and thoughtful contemplation until a satisfying solution is discovered.

The key is, of course, : human feelings.

Human Resources

The Humanist System believes that,

"Every Single Human Being has unlimited potential and all that is needed is for a person to be believed in and nurtured and they will be able to realize that potential."

The current Capitalist model, which emphasizes the pursuit of Capital (money and material goods) as being the highest goal of a human being is shallow and unfulfilling as viewed through the Humanist lens.

The Humanist System recognizes that,

"All Human Beings must feel unique and that they are contributing to their species in their own unique way."


"Every person needs a place for them to stand. Destroy the place and destroy the person." (paraphrased from Heretics of Dune)

It is the fundamental paradox of human existence :

separate and distinct, yet connected and part of a uniform whole.

For Human Beings to be healthy and happy, both elements of Human existence need to be fulfilled and realized.

The Humanist System insures that every single human being is fulfilling their own unique calling, and, in doing so contributing to their society in their fullest capacity.

Why? Because they are contributing to society in full accord with their natural inclinations.

"The Humanist System understands that enhancing a human being's own, unique nature is the surest way for them to find fulfillment and thus contribute in the greatest way to their society."

Socialism makes a half-hearted attempt at this, but the focus of Socialism is the Society, and thus, the adage of, "For the Greater Good," is its guiding principle, and, that an individual sacrifices their own fulfillment for the good of the society, is thus rendered acceptable.

The Humanist System understands that a healthy species cannot be so without healthy individuals, and that sacrificing individual human happiness for the greater good of a society will not bring about human happiness in the slightest degree.

The Military

The Humanist System does not have a military, simply put because there is no need for one.

Violence is a product of unexpressed emotions.

Since in The Humanist System everyone expresses their emotions freely from a young age, there is no need for violence to gain attention.

Let us make this perfectly clear :


It is a product of perverted human emotions which have not been expressed naturally. (period)

Militaries must force their soldiers to undergo horrible regimens of desensitization to repress their emotions to hideous degrees.

All because of the fear of other human beings, who, are just as afraid.

The need for a Military is a product of fear and a gap in communication.

One country is afraid of another country and thus makes itself more militarily intense.

The other country responds, ad infinitum.

The solution is to engage in The Chain of Implacable Why and the root is always the same :

"All Human Problems can be traced back to hurt feelings." (period)

Emotions and Feelings are absolutely FUNDAMENTAL to human nature.

Recognizing this will enable Humanity to move beyond being propelled by unexpressed fears.

Humanism :

Participatory Government

The Humanist System believes that :


The idea that the governing of a species should be done by only a few fails to take into account that all human beings are interconnected and irrevocably impact the behavior of one another.

The Humanist System recognizes that all human beings have an impact on the course of human events.

Thus, the Humanist System uses the ability of the Internet to allow all people to have their voice on societal policies.

Online Forums are used to allow anyone and everyone to express their views on all subjects.

Governmental Decision Makers and their assistants read through specific issues to get an understanding of people's feelings on specific subjects.

"YOU are invaluable. YOUR input is invaluable. WE want to hear your thoughts."

The Humanist System gives people a reason for growing, for learning.

Everyone. All people, are responsible for the governing of the species. This responsibility fills everyone with purpose, the knowledge that they are directly contributing to the shaping of their world.

Everyone can provide input on any decision, and in The Humanist System, everyone fundamentally knows their visions directly impact the choices of their species.

This is the great contribution of the Internet, another step in Humanity's quest for improved communication.

In this instance, making it possible for all human beings to contribute in the governing of the species

How You View Yourself

The Humanist System places great emphasis on a person's individual Image of Themselves.

The Humanist System recognizes that a person must have an inspiring Self- Image to be enjoying a meaningful life.

The Humanist System thus makes it a part of its philosophy that every single human being be having a significant, meaningful life.

Humanist - Quotes

"Knowing your Feelings is the way you will know your path in life."

"The Way Human Beings treat their Environment and their Fellow Species is a direct reflection of the way they treat each other."

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