Before The Alarm Clock Goes Off
I want to live in a world where every day is so exciting, so chock full of new experiences to look forward to, that people leap out of bed in the morning far before their alarm clock goes off.
How I Think “Work” Should Be
"When you enjoy what you do, what is the difference between work and play."
No Rich. No Poor
I want to live in a world where there is no : rich and poor, have and have not's,
privileged and unfortunates.
It Takes A Village To Raise A Child
I want to live in a world where adults understand and feel the need to raise all children, not just their own, that they are responsible for making all the children of the world strong and not just their own.
The Internet is a perfect example of children seeking out the answers they need from the global community, when their parents are not capable of providing the answers they need to know.
The Internet makes it possible for adults the world over, to be parents for children the world over.
The Working World
I want to live in a world where when a person arrives at work their boss greets them warmly and happily.
A person can feel how much they are appreciated, how much they are valued.
The difference between people isn't a matter of hierarchy, but of “more experience” and “less experience”,
with the goal of the “more experienced” to pass on their knowledge to the “less experienced”.
A world where a person's work is entirely dedicated to them growing.
The Welcomed Phenomenon
When people feel welcomed to knowledge,
When people feel invited to participate in understanding,
When people feel that they are wanted and needed in learning,
There is absolutely nothing they cannot comprehend or do.
Others Want You To Learn
When people do not feel that others want them to learn something,
when they don't feel that other people consider them worthy to understand something, they create their own internal barriers to learning, lest they be further ostracized and excluded.
I want to live in a world where everybody knows others want them to grow as much as they themselves do.
I want to be honest with people.
I want to say what I truly think and what I truly feel.
I want to stop coloring my words.
I want to stop decorating the truth.
If I cannot be wholly honest with others, I don't care to spend much time with them.
In the kind of world I want to live in, people would understand, profoundly that : a relationship built on a foundation of lies is doomed to collapse.
Believing In Each Other Unconditionally
In today's society, believing in each other unconditionally is just not something we do.
How much further along in our evolution we would be, if we just believed in each other,
if we just knew that we were surrounded by fellow human beings who wanted nothing more than to see us succeed and shine, and them to enjoy the same.
Humanity : A Species Which Leaves No One Behind
In the kind of world I want to live in,
there would be no question that every single person had unlimited potential.
Society would be 100% dedicated to insuring that every single person was realizing their unlimited potential.
Society would not accept anyone not feeling fulfilled and fully actualized.
Somebody saying, "I don't feel fulfilled," would be a rallying cry for the society to move forward and insure that the person was returned to a path where they were feeling fulfilled and valuable.
Society would settle for nothing less.
If We Believe Anyone Can Do Anything...
Then the fact that the vast majority of people are living lives far, far below their unlimited potential is wrong.
In our society, a person is not discriminated against when applying for a job because of race or gender.
Every citizen is allowed to vote.
Anyone has right to a fair trial.
I want to live in a world where it is "normal", "accepted", "a right" that all of us whom comprise our society are guaranteed that the fulfillment of our potential is society's highest priority.
The problem lies in that, in truth, in our society, we do not believe any person can do anything.
We believe that some people simply cannot do some things.
We believe some people are good at some things and some people are good at other things.
Thus it is rendered acceptable that so many people live lives of quiet desperation, since they don't have “it”.
Thus it is rendered acceptable that the best opportunities are provided to only the few.
It is certainly possible for a person to pull themselves up from difficult circumstances to succeed, but,
if we live in a society that believes anyone can do anything, would it not make more sense that the whole population be given the very best opportunities possible to succeed.
We are a society that pays "lip service" to the idea that anyone can do anything, but still does not believe it in its heart.
I want to live in a world where everyone knows, in the profundity of their heart, that anyone can do anything, and, that as a society we settle for nothing less that providing every opportunity imaginable for everyone to make fulfilling their potential a reality.
The Split / The Suppression
I want to live in a world where I never have to "split" myself.
Split into the "socially acceptable me” and the "true me".
Purposefully Holding Back
I hold myself back from my potential because to engage in it, only to know that I live in a world that does not want me to, a world which does not support one another with all their heart, nor want others to surpass them, which looks upon the successful with envy and anger, would only end up hurting me, and I don't deserve that.
The reason people don't want to help each other is because doing so threatens their survival, threatens their sense of identity, threatens their sense of value.
The act of enhancing, of teaching another person is perceived as being an act which diminishes a person's own worth, which "steals their own thunder", threatening the validity of their existence.
no...I do not want to be unlocked and limitless in such a world.
So...I hold myself back from my potential...and I am frustrated...and angry...
In my ideal world, I would never have to chain myself so.
Human Beings, Are Meant To Stand
When someone feels they cannot support themselves on their own 2 feet, they will envy and rue others who can.
Not being able to stand tall and strong, is antithetical to human beings, meant to be proud and erect.
When a human being finds themselves feeling so, they will decline into all manner of perverse behavior. Why? They do not feel human, so they act inhumanely. When a human being feels strong and can stand tall, they are the embodiment of the noble creature they are supposed to be.
The Need to Feel Welcome
When people do not feel welcome,
they block themselves from making connections with their fellow human beings and the world.
In the kind of world I want to live in it would be common knowledge,
it would be universally understood,
that if a person feels welcomed,
feels free to express themselves without fear of rebuke or retribution,
is encouraged and supported unconditionally and lovingly,
if a person is believed in, is told they are special, they are invaluable,
if a person knows, without a doubt, that their species is wholly dedicated to them feeling fulfilled and actualized, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, a person cannot do.
My Ideal World
I want to live in a world which is dedicated to insuring that everyone is realizing their potential.
I want to live in a world where everyone is dedicated to making each other strong.