Friday, December 12, 2008

Vol 13, C - My Best Advice For Life - To Think

Every Experience Plants A Seed

Every experience in your life plants a seed deep within you.

The Experiences of Today, Become, The Epiphanies of Tomorrow.”

So, even if an experience is painful, and you do not see its immediate value, just know that someday the experience will demonstrate its value to you.

The Sun Will Rise

Even when experiences are difficult, know that the sun will rise, and you will feel better.

Ask The Questions You Need To Ask, To Find The Answers You Need To Know

In our current society we are not taught to “ask questions”, to be “inquisitive”, to be “free thinkers”.

We are encouraged to be “followers”, to “not rock the boat”, to “fall in line”, and “be happy with what you've got”.

But, there will always be an insistent voice deep inside of you, which will not be silenced, telling you that you want more out of life, and the more time you spend trying to muffle that voice, the louder it will get.

Human Beings cannot be fulfilled unless they feel they are realizing their full potential.

To find the paths which will lead you to your full potential, ask the questions you need to ask, the questions which will direct you to the paths which will lead you to realizing your potential.

Socrates back in Ancient Greece trained his students to be ask carefully constructed questions. He knew that responsible, fulfilled citizens were ones who knew how to ask the questions which would open the paths for the knowledge they desired out of life, to seek what they genuinely sought. This is called the Socratic Method, and it is something sadly lacking in this world of “making due” and “settling for things”.

Tools Should Be Thought Of As Extensions Of Humanity, Not Replacements

A sword should be thought of as an extension of the arm, not a replacement for the human being who wields it.

Tools are what have made civilization possible; Human Beings are what have made tools possible.

Don't let your tools replace your humanity.

Words Are Tools, Not Truths

Words are simply containers for what we perceive in our reality.

They are labels we give to our perceptions so that we may communicate them to each other until our species has evolved its telepathic abilities.

The “truth” of a word is that which you infuse it with.

With words you build the structure of your perceptions and beliefs.

If a word isn't contributing to the construction of your belief structure, change it to a more appropriate one, as you would any tool.

Words Give Shape To Your Reality

Make yourself as knowledgeable of words as a linguist.

As creative with words as a poet.

As efficient with words as a lawyer.

Words are humanity's greatest invention. Words give shape to your reality, and what you perceive as reality is the reality you live in,so give shape to one you want, one you feel resonates with you.

Create Your Own Words

If you can't find a word which is contributing to the construction of your belief structure, invent a new one, just as you would any tool.

Your experience as a human being is unique to that of any other human being in the history of the species.

When you have an experience that does not have a word ascribed to it, consider creating your own.

That is how our ancestors created words. We can do the same.

A Simple Tip : Express your experience with as many words as you need. Then take a combination of the words prefixes and suffixes to create a new word. e.g : Sense of Fullness Which Brings No Satisfaction. = Fulnosa (Full No Satisfaction)

Another Tip : Find the Translation of Words You Used To Express Your Experience In Other Languages And Combine Them To Make A New Word.

Every Aspect Of Life Is A Reflection Of Every Other Aspect Of Life. Understand Any Aspect Of Life, And Be Possessed Of The Capacity To Understand Every Aspect Of Life.

If you know that drinking water alleviates thirst, or eating food satisfies hunger, then you can understand anything in the entirety of existence. Everything in existence operates along patterns, and these patterns hold across supposedly “different” aspects of existence. The reason they hold? Simple. Difference is illusion. It's all the same thing. So, if you understand anything, you can understand everything. That simple.

Know Wordlessly

If you cannot put words to the sensations you are experiencing,

know and feel them wordlessly.

Words are nothing more, nothing less then labels we give to the abstractions we perceive.

True connection with the universe comes from something more then just giving it a name.

If you feel a special connection with a particular part of the universe, consider giving it your own name, thus do you create a personal bond with it, one that shares your wordless feelings.

Teach By Analogy

Patterns of the Universe hold across seemingly “different” aspects of it.

When teaching something unfamiliar, explain it through reference to the well known.

Explain Banking to an old homemaker by referring to Baking.

Teach things through metaphor.

If You Want To Truly Know Something : After Learning It, Teach It To Someone Else

Being able to “truly” communicate with another person requires a genuine connection with the language one uses, the terminology. Otherwise two people find they "don't get each other".

When you teach what you know to someone else, you are placed in a position of necessity, of truly having connected with the material, with its unique words.

Only by having truly connected and bonded with the material are you able to convey it to someone else in a manner that genuinely can "speak" to them.

Thus, teaching someone else, requires you to come to know your knowledge with a heretofore unknown intimacy.

There's More Than One Way To Reach The Goal

When you feel badly because you did not do something you felt needed to be done to achieve your goals, don't despair.

There are always options. Always.

The only constant is change.

Change is just another way of saying options, thus, there will always be options. It is a constant.

Distance Brings Perspective

When you find you can't tell the forest from the trees, distance yourself, until you achieve perspective.

When you can't find your way in life, distance yourself from your problems, so that you may see them differently, and thus approach their resolution in a new way.

Traveling is thus the greatest thing a human being can do to appreciate the human experience : whether that traveling be external or internal

I Don't Know” Is A Very Wise Thing To Know

Saying, “I know” closes your mind to “Coming to know”. “I don't know” keeps your mind open to knowing. There are things that you seem to “know”, but that is illusion for the only constant about anything, is that it is changing.

Without Contrast, You Cannot See

Without darkness, there is no light.

Without light, you cannot see.

Thus, without darkness, you cannot see. The illusion of difference is essential for appreciating the human experience.

The most degenerative state for human beings is : stagnancy.

Variety is the spice of life.

To truly know something, know its opposite. Again, travel is the way one comes to “see” the human experience.


I offer you my best advice gladly, but, truthfully, I really have no idea what I'm doing.

This stuff is just the best advice I can give at this stage of my life.

I encourage you to ultimately advise yourself and find your own path. I do.

Take what you find useful and what you do not, simply disregard.

Every grain of sand offers a different perspective on life.

The way to live life is to appreciate every grain, learn from every grain, but, ultimately, to be your own unique grain.

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